
Catherine Shevtseva

Skuld Pictorial art 2 / 8 3

Skuld ~ Catherine Shevtseva


Catherine Shevtseva – Skuld
023. 10x15. Cardboard, oil. One of the goddesses of German-Scandinavian mythology is depicted in front of you. The goddesses of fate are endowed with a wonderful gift to determine destinies — not only human, but also divine (They are partly related to valkyries and together with them form the category of lower female deities)... They live next to the Yggdrasil world tree, at the Urd spring, which is located in Midgard. The names of the Norns are Urd, Verdandi and Skuld. . Urd is the oldest of them, it has the appearance of an old woman and symbolizes the past. Verdandi is an average norn looking like a beautiful middle—aged woman. It symbolizes the present. The youngest, Skuld, is a symbol of an uncertain future

File: 3200×2095 px (1.6 Mb)
Uploaded: 25.06.2023
Album: Портрет

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25.06.2023 23:54   #1

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