The Cloudy Mirror of Destiny Digital art 9 / 23 5


nadin15 – The Cloudy Mirror of Destiny
Mixed 2017.
a fragment from ””The Star of Wishes”” The Cloudy Mirror of Destiny...
””You see the Constellations. And you too...the all power of the Constellaion of Little Bear belong to son”. “Look at this! My boy...This is a Virtual Sierra Nebula...the our candle of the live...the place where we all were born...My son...” said The Great Bear...I saw fantastical beautiful Sierra Nebula`s clouds with a big spectral city around the big black spectral circular building in the middle of the city.””
File: 7106×3238 px (530 Kb)
Uploaded: 27.12.2017
Album: Cyberspace. Nature theme
Author’s albums
The Star of Wishes 63 Cyberspace. Nature theme 23 Morning star 8 Super star 4 The sacrifice 3 More albums (1)
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Очень оригинально и интересно!
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My sincerest thanks to you all, my friends!!!

Excellent work!
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