Бегущий по волнам. Running on the waves Drawings

Ghenadi Cobzev – Бегущий по волнам. Running on the waves
2016.Картина - победитель 2 место на Международной выставке-конкурсе Danish Art Week 2016 Простой карандаш, альбомная бумага, размер 50×70 см. По мотивам картин художника-мариниста А. Н. Худченко. http://www.danishartweek.com/index.php /winners/15-graphic-2016 .
Участница международного конкурса-фестиваля ,Образ Крыма 2017.
Картина -участница международной выставки в Израиле 2019 Арт транзит.http://israelartweek.com/index.php/medias/2019/14-2
2016.The picture is the winner 2nd place at the International Exhibition-Competition Danish Art Week 2016 A simple pencil, landscape paper, size 50 × 70 cm. Based on the paintings of marine painter A. N. Khudchenko. http://www.danishartweek.com/index.php / winners / 15-graphic-2016.
Participant of the international contest-festival, Image of Crimea 2017.
The painting is a participant in the international exhibition in Israel 2019 Art Transit.http: //israelartweek.com/index.php/medias/2019/14-2
Email - [email protected]
File: 2830×2010 px (513 Kb)
License: Creative Commons ~ Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives
Uploaded: 15.08.2016
Album: Painting and graphics
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