Одинокий пастух. lonely shepherd Drawings
Ghenadi Cobzev – Одинокий пастух. lonely shepherd
2017.Картина - участница Международной выставки в Москве Russian Art Week 2017(сезон-весна)Участница выставки в Анкаре Art Week in Turkey 2017 .Простой карандаш, альбомная бумага, размер 70× 50 см.
Работа выставлена в Американской онлайн галлерее Colors of Humanity Art Gallery.
2017.Picture - participant of the International Exhibition in Moscow Russian Art Week 2017 (season-spring) Participant of the exhibition in Ankara Art Week in Turkey 2017. Simple pencil, album paper, size 70 × 50 cm.
http://www.artfair.pro/index.php/media-matherials/photography/22- 2017-03-23-16-08-59
The work is exhibited in the American online gallery Colors of Humanity Art Gallery. http://www.colorsofhumanityartgallery.com/Human-Nature-2017/Human-Nature-2017-Show/n-Wv6VQZ
Email - [email protected]
File: 2828×2011 px (540 Kb)
License: Creative Commons ~ Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives
Uploaded: 09.02.2017
Album: Painting and graphics
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