

Два времени. two times 4 / 4 0

Два времени. two times ~ puma-6819


puma-6819 – Два времени. two times
2021г, 35Х45, масло/холст.Author: Tagirova Rimma 35x45 oil, canvas on stretcher, brush. Realism, impressionism. A series of works: Talking still lifes. 6 picture. Its called Two Times. On the left in the picture is the outgoing century, on the right is our time. The kerosene lamp has already been replaced by an electric lamp .. unfortunately, books are already leaving our lives and gadgets are replacing them .. In the middle of the picture is a red cloth - as a symbol of revolution, on the clock 19:17. T

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Uploaded: 02.04.2022
Album: Натюрморты

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