Здравствуйте, я художник реалист) Пишу портреты на заказ и отправляю во все страны мира, принося радость людям)))
Hello, I am a realist artist) I Paint portraits to order and send to all countries of the world, bringing joy to people)))
tell: +7-923-775-49-49
mail: Ramzes280786@gmail.com
Comments on the author’s artworks | ||
Author’s comments | ||
13.12.2019 | Sign up | |
05.03.2025 | Last visit | |
211 | Rank, place in the general list of Artclub authors by rating (highest = 1, least = 53182) | |
2 | Albums | |
30 | Pages in albums | |
0 | Blog Posts | |
11 | "Pictures of the day" | |
0 | Artworks in the Top-100 rating |