... TAEDET ME SUPRA 500(D)ANNOS STARE Pictorial art 1 / 2 4


yuribogomya – ... TAEDET ME SUPRA 500(D)ANNOS STARE
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yuribogomya – ... TAEDET ME SUPRA 500(D)ANNOS STARE
COMMENTS: 4 Ответы
... I’m tired of standing for more than 500 years... The figure of David is taken from the sculpture of Michelangelo Buonarroti with a slightly smaller female figure, this is the source of Ingres. The background is taken from the First Snow by I. Shishkin
Интересный образ
Или альтернативное название:It’s so damn cold here, I want to go back to Florence😆
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